How Will a Blog Help My SEO Standing?

Search Engines use criteria like activity, link sharing, and keyword matching to rate search results.

The strongest matches are sent to the top and the weakest matches get relegated to page 10, 30, 55. Ugh. Who cares! No one ever bothers looking that far and you know it. 

Want your website to pop up on the first page on Google? You need to start publishing some good content!

Here’s how maintaining a blog can help…


Search engines evaluate publishing dates and web activity to find the most current information. Posting articles on a regular basis will keep your website active and up to date.


If others think your information is worth sharing, search engines will think it is worth sharing too. Links pointing to your articles will further validate your information.


Search engines use bots to search the internet for keywords or phrases. The more times a keyword appears on your website the better the match. When blogging, use key words or phrases related to what you do.

Want to build a blog that will knock everyone’s socks off?

You came to the right website. Schedule a meeting with our Creative Director today to get started!

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