On February 24, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. As many of you know, Sabra has a few Ukrainian team members living in Odessa. We have been checking in with them on a daily basis to make sure they are safe.

We ensure the safety of our peers based in Ukraine and no disruptions in our support and creative services, but a lot of human lives have been put on the line. As the coming days and weeks unfold, we will keep everyone abreast of the status of our team and are happy to deliver any well wishes that our clients would like to send their way.

Our Team Members’ Status

Svetlana, Pasha and their puppy Gaby packed up their car and left just before Russia invaded. After many days on the road, they found accommodations in Romania and are out of harms way.


Eugene, his wife Katya, and their 2 year old son Ilya are still in Odessa. They evacuated their apartment which is right next to the sea and are currently staying with his mother and stepfather in a safer part of the city. They decided stay and wait it out, but if it becomes too dangerous in Odessa Eugene plans to drive his wife, mother, and child to the Moldovan border and then return to defend his city. When we told him not to worry about work, he said he wanted to continue because it helped calm him and take his mind off of things.

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Our Ukrainian team members are the most kind-hearted, talented, and diligent people we have ever worked with. In 2019, Chris and I set up a team trip to Kyiv, so we could finally all meet in person. We were struck by the city’s beauty, thriving economy, delicious food, but most importantly how proud Ukrainians were of their country, heritage, and independence from Russia. While there, the team took us to a memorial filled with thousands of pictures of their fallen soldiers in the Crimean conflict with Russia. Ukraine has been fighting off Russia since 2014, but it didn’t hit home just how serious the threat was until we saw the faces of the young men that had sacrificed their lives. Now, just a few years later, we have seen the threat of tyranny fully realized while the world watches by.

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How you can support Ukraine

For me and Chris, our team is our family. Over the past 6 years we have watched them fall in love, get married, and start families. We have mourned their losses and celebrated their victories, and now we are sick with worry over their safety. They assure us that they are safe and remain in good spirits despite the air raids. Everyone has shelter, food, water and internet, but we feel that there is more that all of us here in the US can do to help Ukraine in this time of need.

If you wish you could do more and would like to help. Thank you. Any support you can give will be of great value! Here are ways that you can help Ukraine from any place in the world right now.

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Donate and Assist

Sign the petition to provide humanitarian airlift in Ukraine


Ukrainian cities are under constant bombing and air attacks. Civilian populations are in the line of fire and residential buildings, schools and hospitals have already been hit by missiles and bombardments. Hundreds of people have been killed, including children, and they urgently need medicine, supplies and food. Ukrainians are asking the US government to provide military humanitarian airlift. Sign the petition below to show your support.

Get the word out


Spread the word about what’s happening in Ukraine and share information about ways to help Ukrainians as they fight off the Russian Federation’s unwarranted invasion.

Follow and use #StandWithUkraine hashtag on your social media to indicate your support and drive the world’s attention to the cause.

Send your love and well wishes


What our team needs most right now is encouragement, love and support from all of you. If you would like to send the team a message, feel free to send Chris an email and we will make sure it is delivered. Thank you again for all your support. We feel very blessed to have so many caring clients and we appreciate all of you.

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