Forging Partnerships and Setting the Standard

After attending and seeing our design work at COGI’s EiGI conference, the Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists (ABGH) partnered with Sabra as a Concierge client. Recognizing the need for a dedicated design team, ABGH enlisted our services for their multitude of events, including conferences, panels, podcasts, and lectures.

The ABGH Summit, our first major collaborative endeavor, serves as their flagship event where medical professionals gather from across the country to discuss research studies, hold seminars, and address healthcare inequities. It was imperative for us to establish a benchmark for forthcoming events and enhance their occasion with stunning designs.

Elevating Healthcare Equity: Designing a Path to Transformative Change

ABGH Summit 2024 is a groundbreaking initiative focused on tackling the disparities in digestive health outcomes within Black communities. By convening experts to analyze historical, current, and future challenges in healthcare equity, the summit aims to propose evidence-based solutions towards improving digestive health among Black populations. This pivotal event fosters partnerships among medical professionals, patients, advocates, researchers, industry allies, and community leaders to achieve equal access to high-quality healthcare and advance the overall health outcomes of Black individuals.

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Cultivating a Unified and Lasting Brand Identity

The initial priority for ABGH was establishing a recognizable event brand that could evolve over time to bolster brand recognition. Collaborating closely with ABGH, we meticulously curated the color schemes, fonts, and logo concepts that resonated with their vision. Drawing inspiration from their preferences, we crafted a timeless logo that could be effortlessly adapted for future ABGH Summits.

Designing an event brand for an organization entails a delicate balance of aligning with the existing organization branding while also standing out as a distinct event. To achieve this, we integrated elements of ABGH’s brand colors and selected sans-serif fonts that harmonized with the typography used in the organization’s website and publications.

To reflect ABGH’s emphasis on unity and collaboration at their conference, we drew inspiration from their organization’s circular emblem to develop the Summit logo. Together we landed on the concept of the pie, which encapsulated the idea of individuals coming together to share insights and work collectively towards solutions. By incorporating a pie motif that echoed ABGH’s logo, we seamlessly integrated it into the overall event design theme. This motif served as a unifying element across various design components for the ABGH Summit, reinforcing the values of shared knowledge and collaborative action.

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Creating a Cohesive Visual Experience

Our second objective was to develop a comprehensive set of materials for the ABGH Summit, adhering to the newly established brand guidelines, to ensure a seamless and consistent visual identity across all marketing platforms and during the event itself. From designing social media graphics to creating table signs, banners, attendee badges, branded lanyards, stage screensavers, and presentation PowerPoint templates for speakers, our team of designers worked closely together to guarantee that all Summit materials were not only cohesive but also exuded a polished and professional aesthetic.

Guiding Attendees and Elevating Event Identity

When hosting conferences in expansive public venues, strategic signage is essential to guide attendees and create a distinct event atmosphere. This year’s ABGH Summit was held at the magnificent Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in Washington, DC. With sprawling staircases, multiple floors, and a rooftop garden; people not familiar with the space can feel overwhelmed trying to navigate this venue. Our team utilized branded stand-up banners in the lobby to direct guests to registration and reinforce the event’s identity. These banners also showcased the agenda, featured guest speakers, and promoted upcoming ABGH events. By leveraging our familiarity with the venue and experience in event branding, we ensured a seamless and engaging experience for attendees amidst the library’s intricate layout.

Planning for the Future: Sustainable Designs Solutions

Since ABGH hosts a multitude of annual events and travel throughout the US and Canada, we recommended using pull up banners that could be easily rolled up and transported. They are also reusable, which means ABGH could use the same stands at future events and simply replace the banners with new signage saving our them time and money.

Results and Recognition at the ABGH Summit

Our local team members attended the Summit to witness our work in action and gather feedback for future enhancements. Throughout the Summit, we received numerous compliments on the newly established brand. The impact of our designs was evident when one of our other clients, who also attended the Summit, were so impressed with the attendee badges that they requested similar designs for their upcoming conference.

An Inspirational Experience for Both Doctors and Designers

The highlight of the conference however, were the impactful presentations delivered by ABGH members. Their groundbreaking research and dedication to improving health outcomes and providing mentorship opportunities for people of color in the medical profession left a profound impression on our team. The seminars not only sparked admiration for the important work undertaken by ABGH members but also inspired personal reflection among our team members.

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Learning about the rising cases of liver cancer and gastrointestinal diseases in the US prompted many team members to reevaluate their own lifestyles, leading to a renewed focus on healthier eating habits and increased physical activity. This transformative experience at the ABGH Summit not only motivated our team to lead healthier lives but also deepened our appreciation for the vital mission of ABGH.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to ABGH for entrusting us with such a significant event and for inspiring us to prioritize our well-being, ensuring we are better equipped to continue supporting impactful initiatives in the future.

Need help designing your next event?

Contact Sabra Creative today to schedule a free consultation.

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